Remembering Trevor Thwaites: The Life of a Heavyweight

The Management and Staff of the Government Information Services (GIS) extend deepest condolences to the family, friends, former colleagues and acquaintances of Trevor Thwaites our Senior Information Office who died on Saturday morning.
Trevor was not a conformist, but he was an invaluable team player and all will attest to that. He was endowed with a spirit of magnanimity that knew no boundaries and for that, he will be greatly missed.
We take this opportunity to extend our wholehearted support to his daughter Neisha McIntyre who also lost her mother Nadica McIntyre earlier this year.
We know that mere words are not enough to provide adequate consolation in this period of utter anguish and pain – a pain that we too, deeply share.
Nevertheless, be assured that our staff stands ready and willing to offer support in whatever way needed.
The GIS family, of which Trevor was an integral part for years, also expresses condolence to the sporting fraternity in Grenada, especially the Cricket and Boxing Associations, two sports in which he excelled and for which he flew the Grenadian flag proudly.
The media fraternity, like the rest of the population who knew Trevor and his exploits in media and sports, is mourning the loss of an amiable friend; one who in word and deed brought smiles to tense and pensive faces.
He was one who knew how to evoke laughter, breaking the silence in an otherwise icy room.
If we are true to ourselves, we will agree that the greatest lesson we have all learned from Trevor “Big T” Thwaites is that we should never take life so seriously that we cannot find enjoyment in living.
We therefore take this opportunity to invite the public to join us this Monday morning from 6.30 until 8am, when the GIS Spice Morning will pay tribute to Trevor Thwaites: the life of a heavyweight.
It’s Monday November 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m…Trevor Thwaites: the life of a heavyweight!