Participatory Poverty Assessment Workshop

Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) Workshop Launched.

The Ministry of National Mobilization launched the Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) workshop at Frenches House on Monday 10th, September, 2018.

The workshop would run from Monday 10th to Friday 14th, September, 2018. The proceedings were cheered by Mr. Philcol Jeffers, Communication and Marketing Officer, within Ministry of National Mobilisation etc.

Various persons from different agencies gathered to participate in the opening ceremony. Also attending the opening ceremony was Permanent Secretary within the Ministry, Mrs. Nerissa Gittens-McMillan.

Participatory Poverty Assessment

The feature address was delivered by Hon. Frederick A. Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilisation etc.

Participatory Poverty Assessment

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will provide funding for the project. The local administrator for PPA is Ms. Lystra Culzac.

It was noted that the data required must be timely and reliable. One of the major aims of the PPA is to monitor poverty at the national level. Action research methodology method will be used to collect data. The main purpose of PPA is to better understand poverty in a geographical area.

Eight (8) communities across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were selected as areas to collect sample data.

There is a local National Advisory Team (NAT) in place to assist in the process. The PPA therefore seeks to identify the cases of poverty as well as the extent of poverty in SVG.

PPA Brochure

PPA Sub-project Training Workshop and Agenda