Climate change negotiations

ST. LUCIA:  Dr. Fletcher thanked the Secretary General for the support he has always shown for issues confronting small island states. Saint Lucia’s Minister for...

CARTAC aids financial policy development

ST. LUCIA:  Saint Lucia benefitted from capacity development provided by the International Monetary Fund, the IMF. Saint Lucia is a member of the Caribbean Regional...

Italian government funds hazard warning system

ST. LUCIA:  The support from the Government of Italy comes as a result of a Sep. 2015 request made by Saint Lucia’s Minister for...

APC hosts training workshop

ST. LUCIA:  The workshop was held in observance of Administrative Professionals Day. The Administrative Professionals Committee (APC) of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and...

Dr. Fletcher addresses RCCCC

ST. LUCIA: The Regional Coordinating Committee on Climate Change met to review the progress made in the implementation of the region’s climate change plan. The...

Fletcher to attend Energy Summit

ST. LUCIA:  Caribbean Heads of Delegation will meet with Vice President Joe Biden to discuss energy security. Saint Lucia’s minister with responsibility for energy, Sen....

The Prime Minister delivered a detailed overview of the EC$1.4 billion...

ST. LUCIA: The Sitting of the House of Assembly for the debate on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure 2016/2017 began April 28th at 9...

Taiwan presents over $3.5M

ST. LUCIA:  The money will go towards completion of a Human Resource Development Centre in Gros Islet and the Vigie Beach Vending Facility. The Embassy...

Public Health Advisory

ST. LUCIA: Saint Lucia's Ministry of Health warns the public against the effects of excessive heat and being bitten by mosquitoes. The Ministry of Health,...

Government signs $6M European Commission agreement

ST. LUCIA:  Funds will be utilized to finance the Saint Lucia Post Trough Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program. His Excellency, Ambassador Mikael Barfod, Head of the...
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