Changes in petroleum prices – July 2016

The General public is hereby informed that, effective, Monday July 18, 2016, the retail prices of petroleum products (Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosene and LPG ) in the State of Grenada will be as follows:


Products Old Price New Price
Gasoline $13.91/IG $13.67/IG
Diesel $12.56/IG $12.55/IG
Kerosene $7.01/IG $7.02/IG
L.P.G (Cooking Gas):
20 lbs Cylinder  $42.00  $42.00
100 lbs Cylinder $183.25 $183.40
Bulk $1.90/lb $1.90/lb


Products Old Price New Price
Gasoline $14.09/IG $13.85/IG
Diesel $12.74/IG $12.73/IG
Kerosene $7.20/IG $7.21/IG
L.P.G (Cooking Gas):
20 lbs Cylinder $51.00 $51.00
100 lbs Cylinder $206.25 $206.40
Bulk $1.90/lb $1.90/lb

Petite Martinique:

Products Old Price New Price
Gasoline $8.59/IG $8.35/IG
Diesel $7.24/IG $7.23/IG
Kerosene $7.20/IG  $7.21/IG

The new Retail Prices are computed based on the average FOB costs: that is; (Ex-refinery prices), for the period, 13th June, 2016 to 12th July, 2016.
It important for the public to understand that petroleum prices are likely to remain high since Grenada imports nearly all of its fuel.  Consumers are, therefore, urged to act wisely by conserving and using energy efficiently.