HomeCaribbeanCXC Timetable for June - July 2021

CXC Timetable for June – July 2021

CXC Timetable | Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate® Examinations


See CXC 2022 Time Table

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Copyright: Every application to register for the examination will be deemed to constitute an assignment by the candidates to the Council of the future copyright of all their examination work, practical or written
* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers
*** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognized fulltime educational institutions



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*** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognized fulltime educational institutions
** A Common Paper
* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers



[table id=4 /]
* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers
*** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognized fulltime educational institutions
** A Common Paper



[table id=5 /]
* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers
*** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognized fulltime educational institutions
** A Common Paper



[table id=6 /]
* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers
*** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognized fulltime educational institutions




[table id=7 /]
+ See Notes to Timetable
*** Alternative Paper



[table id=8 /]
+ See notes to Timetable
*** Alternative Paper



[table id=9 /]
*** Alternative Paper
+ See notes to Timetable


1. **Indicates a common paper.
2. The time indicated on the Timetable includes:
(i) Reading Time.
(ii) 10 minutes Reading Time and 10 minutes to “warm-up” on the computer prior to the start of the examinations for Electronic Document Preparation and Management Papers 2 and 3/2.

3. Starting times for all centres within a territory are 0900 hr and 1300 hr. If at any centre the number of candidates is greater than can be accommodated in one session, the Local Registrar may arrange to administer the examination in two or more sessions, ensuring that suitable arrangements are made to preserve the integrity of the examinations.

4. French, Portuguese and Spanish Oral Examinations (Paper 3) in each territory will be conducted during the period 1-16 June in accordance with the Local Registrar’s schedule.

5. The Practical Examination in Physical Education and Sport (Paper 2) in each territory will be conducted during the period 1 – 25 June in accordance with the Local Registrar’s schedule.

6. Visual Arts: A common paper containing all options will be issued. Candidates will be required to choose two Production Papers from the Options below:
(i) Drawing
(ii) Painting and Mixed-media
(iii) Graphic and Communication Design
(iv) Printmaking
(v) Textile Design and Manipulation
(vi) Sculpture and Ceramics
(vii) Leathercraft
(viii) Fibre and Decorative Arts

Candidates must select for the final examination those two options for which SBA assignments have been done.

The Test Paper is to be handed to candidates on Wednesday, 2 June. The examination must be completed during the period 16 June to 2 July.

All of the Options are 6-hour papers and should be divided into two
(2) 3-hour sessions with a break of not less than 1 hour between
sessions. These two sessions need not be held on the same day.

All candidates will be required to submit a Reflective Journal. This must be submitted at the same time as the Production pieces.

7. All Paper 1 examinations are multiple choice in format except that in Visual
Arts. The Paper 1 examination for Physical Education and Sport will consist
of a Multiple Choice component and a structured component.

8. The Practical Examination in Music (Paper 2) in each territory will be
conducted during the period 14-25 June in accordance with the Local
Registrar’s schedule.

9. Attention is drawn to the rule that silent non-programmable scientific
calculators may be used in the following examinations:

Additional Mathematics
Agricultural Science DA Papers 2 and 3
Agricultural Science SA Paper 2 only
Industrial Technology: Building and Furniture
Industrial Technology: Electrical and Electronic
Industrial Technology: Mechanical Engineering
Integrated Science SA
Mathematics – Papers 2 and 3/2
Office Administration Papers 2 and 3/2
Principles of Accounts
Principles of Business Paper 3/2 only
Technical Drawing Paper 2

10. The use of geometry sets (mathematical instruments) is permitted in Biology
Paper 2, Geography Papers 1, 2 and 3/2, Mathematics Papers 2 and 3/2, and
Social Studies Paper 3/2.

11. Information Technology Paper 2: this subject will be offered at General
Proficiency level only. It is not a practical examination – no computer
workstations will be required.

12. The Alternative Paper (3/2) to SBA in Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Science
and Physics is a practical examination – laboratory facilities will be required.

13. Candidates taking the Technical Drawing Paper 2, CAD Option, on 16 June
should be given additional time for printing at the end of the examination.

14. Candidates will be required to have earphones/headphones for the Paper 01
examination in Theatre Arts.

15. The Alternative Paper to SBA (Paper 3/2) must be written by private
candidates who opted not to complete the SBA assignments. Papers 1 and
3/2 must be written in the same session with a 15-minute break between
them except in cases of the science subjects, Mathematics, English A and
English B where the papers are administered on different days. Paper 1 must
be written before Paper 3/2. Papers 1 and 3/2 in these examinations have
been scheduled as follows:-
(i) Social Studies – 17 June
(ii) Principles of Accounts – 21 June
(iii) Economics – 29 June
(iv) Principles of Business – 1 July
(v) Office Administration – 2 July
(vi) Theatre Arts – 5 July
(vii) Information Technology – 6 July
(viii) Electronic Document Preparation and Management – 9 July
(ix) Caribbean History – 13 July
(x) Additional Mathematics – 14 July
(xi) Geography –15 July

16. Industrial Technology Paper 1 is a common paper to all three options:
Building and Furniture, Electrical and Electronic, and Mechanical
Engineering. The Paper 2 is a separate paper for each of the options.

Candidates are permitted to register for all three options at any one sitting.
17. Candidates who register for English A Paper 3/2 and English B Paper 3/2
during the same sitting will be required to write only one examination since
both papers will be offered as a common examination.


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