The groundbreaking original documentary, Rock and Hard Place, will premiere in the Caribbean on July 3 at 21hrs AST*, exclusively on HBO. The documentary follows closely the lives of young inmates participating in the Miami-Dade County Corrections & Rehabilitation Boot Camp Program in search of a second chance: the opportunity to negotiate an exchange of a long detention sentence for participation in the program.
A passion project of Dwyane Johnson’s (HBO’s Ballers), Rock and a Hard Place was inspired by his own experiences with the law during his youth.
HBO’s original documentaries are currently available on HBO GO, the digital platform for premium entertainment. HBO GO can be accessed through any mobile device with iOS 7.1+ (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) or Android (OS 4.0+) operating system and at HBO GO can also be enjoyed on the TV screen with Chromecast and Apple TV. The platform is also available as an independent online subscription through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store digital stores, as an on-demand service with participating operators and as an add-on complement at no additional cost with a subscription to the premium pay-TV HBO/MAX package.

HBO premieres original documentary, Rock and a Hard Place, on July 3rd
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