WASCO Press Statement


The Water & Sewerage Company Inc. wishes to inform the public that on Monday May 30th, 2016, its employees who are represented by the National Workers Union (NWU) commenced industrial action, without any notice to the company, as required by Law.
The initial reason provided for the industrial action was the delay by the Labour Tribunal in addressing a dispute which was brought before it. However, a letter from the NWU (on the same day – May 30th, 2016) subsequently highlighted five (5) issues, two of which are outside of the purview of WASCO and are in fact matters before the Labour Tribunal and the Labour Commissioner. WASCO responded to that letter on the same day.
The Labour Commissioner intervened on the following day, May 31st, 2016 and the matters which were raised  were addressed.  It was also made very clear that the industrial action was in contravention of the Law. The Labour Commissioner has since written to the NWU.
WASCO now awaits the response of the NWU and the return of its employees to work and to perform their normal and assigned duties.